U.S. Renewable Electricity Future Is Within Reach
This guest post was originally written by Steve Clemmer and featured on The Equation, a blog on independent science and practical solutions, published by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). We are…
Down Four Cars or So: 2011 Carbon Footprint for SACE
Due to the move and the construction done to our new Knoxville office, it took a bit longer this year to calculate SACE's carbon footprint than it did last year. However, I…
Florida Stimulus Success The Untold Story of Energy Savings and Economic Development
In July of 2012, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS), led by Commissioner Adam Putnam, issued an audit of energy initiatives including those funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment…
Sun Rises on Solar Day 2012
Happy Summer Solstice! Today's the day that solar energy advocates and panel purveyors eagerly await - the longest day, with the most sunshine, of the year. After today, it's downhill back to…
Our New Home: How We Made It Better
When anyone moves into a new place, they start to think about the changes they want to make in their new home. The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy moved into our new…
Solar Technology Propels Low Prices and Bankability for the Solar Industry
The collective US solar brain trust gathered at the Solar Solutions Conference in Memphis, TN presented by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Tennessee Solar Institute, April 10-11. The big news? Technological innovations…
New Florida Solar Technicians Certified in Jacksonville, Now Where are the Jobs?
Sixteen anxious and diligent new Solar Technicians graduated Friday 2-Mar-12 from an 8-week course at the CRC Institute in Jacksonville, Florida. They got certificates of technical training, are ready for the LEED…
SACE Solar PV Installation Goes LIVE
This blog was co-written by SACE's Renewable Energy Director, Maria Hubert. After a year of working hard on energy efficiency improvements, our Knoxville, TN office is now officially solar-powered! KUB, our…
Georgia Consumer Choice Bill Would Boost Economic Opportunities
Georgia Power and Southern Company are up to their dirty tricks again, this time blocking the development of clean renewable energy and using their monopoly power to hold Georgia economic development back!…
Will new Sunshine State senator move Florida toward a clean energy economy?
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.