Electric Vehicle Weekly News Roundup – Aug 31

Dory Larsen | August 31, 2018 | Clean Transportation, Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles
Here is some very exciting news for the ‘affordable EV’ market. A new car manufacturer, Kandi Technology Group, is bringing two electric cars to America. The K22 model is a subcompact car that is slated to cost under $20K. With the Federal Tax Credit, it puts the price-tag under $13K for a new EV!

CARTA electric bus. Photo courtesy of Philip Pugliese, Prova Group, CARTA

Although the total cost to own is lower for electric buses, many municipalities struggle with the initial premium cost. Fortunately, through the Federal Low or No-Emission (Low-No) Grant Program, many new electric buses are coming to several Southeast states. Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida all received funding to transition their fleets to cleaner electric! Check out what other projects were funded through the fiscal year 2018 Low or No-Emission (Low-No) Bus Program Projects.

New York City is trying to increase their on-street charging capacity. They are currently testing the feasibility of using lamp-posts to double as car charging ports. The project, which is only in pilot phase, involves the drivers having their own “Ubitricity” brand mobile charging cable – with a built-in meter – that connects to a power receptacle. Additionally, it requires upgrading the power supply to the street lamps being tested from 110 volts to 240 volts.

As the threat of sea-level rise puts oil-industry infrastructure at risk, Big Oil Asks Government To Protect It From Climate Change. One gem from the article is this quote: “The idea of taxpayers around the country paying to protect refineries worth billions, and in a state where top politicians still dispute climate change’s validity, doesn’t sit well with some.”

North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality released the Final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan on August 22, 2018. The plan is a blueprint for how North Carolina will allocate the first phase of its $93 million portion of fines it is set to receive stemming from Volkswagen violating the Clean Air Act. The plan calls for the full 15% carve-out (the maximum allowed) for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Last year the state saw a 23% jump in sales if EVs. Adding this infrastructure will support even more electric vehicle driving.

Findings from Crescent Electric’s report, Where It’s Cheapest And Costliest To Drive An Electric Car, indicate it’s cheaper to commute to work powered by electricity by $135.36 per year (national average) than gasoline. Of note, that only accounts for American’s daily work commute which on average is 15 miles each way. The more miles, the more savings by driving electric!

National Drive Electric Week is almost here! Make sure to click here to find an event near you!

Dory Larsen
Dory joined the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in 2017 and was named Senior Electric Transportation Program Manager in 2023. She is working to accelerate the transition to electric transportation…
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