Electric Vehicle Weekly News Roundup – July 13

Dory Larsen | July 13, 2018 | Clean Transportation, Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles
The movie Field of Dreams gave us the phrase “if you build it, they will come.” Chevrolet realized the opposite is true too. If they come (asking for a product), you should build (enough to meet demand). This week, Chevrolet announced a commitment to increase Bolt EV production by 20% to meet demand. The Bolt EV has proven more popular than expected in North America and South Korea

VW hopes to match the needs of young tech-savvy consumers with car-sharing vs. ownership. VW Announces New All-Electric Car-Sharing Platform ‘WE’ To Launch Next Year. This trend of car-sharing is likely going to continue disrupting traditional car ownership and is one to watch.

The Union of Concerned Scientists released a fact sheet outlining 10 principles that are important to guide utility investment in electric vehicle infrastructure. The central message is that utility investment in electric vehicle charging infrastructure is important public policy and ultimately a good deal for ratepayers.

More charging infrastructure is popping up all over the South! In a partnership with Alabama Power Corp., the Birmingham Airport is adding 9 charging stations. In Athens, GA Epps Bridge Centre has just installed a Tesla 10-port charging station. It marks the eighth in Georgia and will make travel easier for drivers seeking to avoid Atlanta going from Florida to North Carolina.

This week, the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Challenge was launched in Brooklyn, NY. The initiative will see states, regions, cities and international businesses use their purchasing and policy influence to massively accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles around the world.

However, the future of where the electric vehicles will be manufactured is becoming less clear. Automaker BMW announced it will be increasing production in China, and raising prices on South Carolina-made SUVs in response to recently enacted tariffs.

Across the pond, Shell CEO Calls For UK To Ban Gas/Diesel Car Sales Sooner. Like tobacco companies, oil companies will need to find their path forward in a world without their signature product. Shell is hoping to use the UK market as a test case to see what that would look like.

Dory Larsen
Dory joined the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in 2017 and was named Senior Electric Transportation Program Manager in 2023. She is working to accelerate the transition to electric transportation…
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