Electric Vehicle Weekly News Roundup – July 6

Dory Larsen | July 6, 2018 | Clean Transportation, Electric Vehicles

This has been a firecracker week in more ways than one! Electrify The South and the League of Women Voters partnered to promote the NextCar Pledge in the Safety Harbor Independence Day Parade. It was a chance to inform parade goers what EV models exist, show off the emission and noise-free benefits of EVs, and to highlight their role in achieving energy independence!

We are starting to see the battle lines drawn between ‘Big Oil’ and ‘Utilities’ as they vie to capture the market for charging electric vehicles. Oil giants like BP and Shell continue to invest in charging infrastructure in a move seen by experts as a way to safeguard becoming obsolete. However, they plan on stalling the transition to electrification as long as possible. The oil industry has been ‘peddling misinformation’ through a series of recent articles and former New Jersey Governor, Christine Todd Whitman, calls them out in a CNBC op-ed, here.

ChargePoint is jockeying for more room in the commercial charging space. They announced the acquisition of an energy management software company that will eventually allow capacity for charging fleets of electric taxis and autonomous cars.

At the national level, Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) has introduced a bill to eliminate the per manufacturer cap and make the $7,500 federal tax credit available to an unlimited number of EV buyers for the next ten years. The law currently sunsets the tax credit once the manufacturers produce 200,000 vehicles. Supporters feel it would allow early adopters that drove EV manufacturing like Tesla and Nissan to stay competitive with legacy manufacturers who are just now entering the EV market with commitments to production numbers in the tens of thousands.

At the local level, Leon County, Florida (which includes Tallahassee) has started an EV pilot program to help determine Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) needs. The answer to this question is being sought by many municipal leaders. To that point, Plug In America & Sierra Club announced a new policy guide, AchiEVe: Model State & Local Policies To Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption, which details the most effective policies at the state and city level for expanding EV adoption.

How quickly electric vehicles will be adopted also relies heavily on model options offered. Many manufacturers are focusing in on crossovers and SUVs.  2019 Is The Year Of the Electric SUV takes a look at upcoming options. Will this be the push American consumers need to drive electric? If not SUVs, perhaps a beloved, iconic vehicle? Apparently, Volkswagen Is Considering Bringing Back the Beetle As An All-Electric Car. Punch buggy all-electric, no punch back! Please, VW make. this. happen.

Dory Larsen
Dory joined the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in 2017 and was named Senior Electric Transportation Program Manager in 2023. She is working to accelerate the transition to electric transportation…
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