During the month of August, SACE will be blogging on #FloridaSolarMonth to promote solar in the Sunshine State. During August, Floridians will be considering a pro-solar amendment on the August Primary ballot. This blog series is to educate voters on this ballot initiative and help them prepare a voting plan, since turnout can often be lower in primary elections. To follow along and read other blogs in this series, click here.
There are SEVERAL educational events happening across Florida this month, so we’ve listed them all in one place! Understanding what’s on your primary ballot is important, so we ask that try to attend these events (or join via phone or web!) to learn more about Amendment 4. If you have an event to add to the list, leave a comment. Go solar!
August 16 12-1pm Florida Amendment 4 Solar Statewide Webinar – hosted by USGBC Florida; FREE; Register here
August 17 10:30am Miami Town Hall on Amendment 4 – hosted by Mayor of Miami, Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Dr, Miami, FL 33133; FREE
Learn more and show your support for the impoartant vote this August to expand solar in the Sunshine State! RSVP and SHARE on Facebook!
August 23 10:30am Solar Business Roundtable on Amendment 4 – hosted by SACE and allies; University of South Florida, University Student Center, Regatta Room, 1stFloor, 140 7th Ave South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701; FREE; Hear from local businesses & advocates why they support Amendment 4! RSVP and SHARE on Facebook!
August 24 6:30PM – Solar for the Space Coast Event – Join the Space Coast League of Women Voters to discuss Amendment 4 and solar co-ops in the Sunshine State; Florida Solar Energy Center, 1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, FL 32922
August 25 6:30-8pm – Amendment 4 Solar Forum – hosted by University of North Florida Environmental Center and presented by USGBC Northeast Florida Region at UNF University Center; FREE; Register
Aug 25th 6PM – Last Volunteer Call – Dial in via 727-258-5789 PIN 97609 – FREE; Help us educate voters at the polls! This is our best bet to get the #YesOn4 message in front of voters. Sign up for a volunteer shift here.
Aug 30th 7AM-7PM – Election Day Solar Party at the Polls – Join our FREE Thunderclap and help us remind people to vote #YesOn4 on Aug 30th!
How can you vote #Yes on 4? Read our previous blog for helpful voting resources!
How can you spread the word and help educate your voting friends?
- Add a #YesOn4 sticker to your profile picture on Facebook & Twitter
- Join our Election Day Thunderclap for a final reminder to vote #YesOn4 on Aug 30
- Stick a sign in your yard – go here for pick up locations
- Volunteer at the polls during Early Voting or on Election Day. Sign up here.
- Phonebank voters and solar supporters – Sign up here.
- Submit an LTE to your local paper – Use this fact sheet for talking points [English] [Spanish]