In the meeting prior to our discussion with Englander we heard from the Miami-Dade County Division of Environmental Resource Management (DERM). It was truly exciting to see and hear about the many successful projects that have taken place and are underway to preserve our environmental resources and natural ecosystem from SLR. This local success has been achieved by planning and investing in forward-thinking projects such as widening the beaches to protect against tropical and hurricane force storm surges and erosion of the coastline, planting and maintaining beach dunes and other fixed structures to encourage natural regeneration, stabilization and resilience of our coastline against threats in addition to actively monitoring salt water intrusion and restoring danger zones. Yet, it became clear that in the meetings I attended that the state is not fully prepared for the impacts of a changing climate – especially SLR.
What we do today matters, where we have planned, taken initiative and action as a community we have strengthened our city’s and county’s resilience. Yet without concerted efforts at a statewide-level to address and acknowledge the real threats of our human impact on climate change and SLR, we simply can not address adaptation and clean energy solutions collectively, realistically or responsibly.
With that said we must ask…
Where is our plan to move Florida to a true and new clean energy economy of the future? How can we make Florida more resilient to the challenges associated with SLR when some of our current political leaders reject the facts and science? If we as Floridians do not unite to protect our state from these threats who will? And if we stand alone as counties or cities then what does the future of our State look like? If we don’t join forces to act now, when will we?
Today, hundreds of groups across the country, including SACE and at least nine others representing Georgia, sent a letter to the newly sworn-in Congress, expressing our strong support for a broad suite…
SACE’s newly released “Energy Efficiency in the Southeast” report shows how our region's largest utilities and states compare when it comes to utility energy efficiency.
Transco doesn’t want you to know that hazardous sites are along its proposed route, that, if disturbed, could exacerbate groundwater contamination risks.