
Georgia Power’s 2022 Integrated Resource Plan in the Home Stretch: Yet Key Issues Remain 

A number of issues that we (Southern Alliance for Clean Energy & Southface), and other parties, are concerned about, were either omitted from the Stipulation or otherwise insufficiently addressed.


We Won’t Give Up on Justice for the Kingston Coal Ash Workers

13 years after TVA’s massive ash spill, workers and advocates attend a critical court hearing.


NextEra Sets Goal to Decarbonize, Proposes Big Transition for Florida Power & Light

NextEra has proposed an ambitious decarbonization goal and it could mean big changes for Florida Power & Light. The plan includes a massive increase in utility scale solar development and heavy reliance…


Secretary Granholm and Rep. Castor Discuss Opportunities with Local EV Proponents

Conversations between federal and local officials offer a welcomed opportunity to identify what is being done and what is needed to support an efficient, equitable and effective outlay of federal bipartisan infrastructure…


10 Key Questions to Ask as Memphis Considers Future of Electricity Supply

On June 9 Memphis City Council will join the Memphis Light, Gas, and Water (MLGW) Board of Commissioners for a joint meeting to hear a presentation summarizing the proposals MLGW has received…


Highlights from the Florida PSC's Ten Year Site Plan Workshop

Update: on July 11, 2022, FPL withdrew its extreme winter peak demand proposal from consideration after pushback from the Office of Public Counsel, Commission staff, and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and…


Georgia Residents Continue Speaking Up About the IRP

Georgia Power, the investor-owned utility that has monopoly status and serves customers in 150 counties in Georgia, is planning for its next two decades of energy use, and Georgia residents are making…


Leon County, Florida: Planning for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Congratulations Leon County, Florida, the latest municipality to pass an EV-Ready policy, one of the most cost-effective strategies to increase infrastructure and enable access to home charging for more community members.


Overview of Duke's Proposed NC Carbon Plan

On May 16, 2022, Duke Energy submitted its proposal for a Carbon Plan to meet goals legislated by HB 951 to the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Here is a summary of what…


Electric Transportation is a Pro-American Solution

Americans should embrace electric vehicles to free ourselves from petrol dictators, enhance national security, reduce fuel costs for consumers, address the climate crisis, and put an end to hazardous offshore drilling. Our…