Are you opposed to offshore drilling off the Atlantic and Florida Gulf coasts? Then sign up today for Hands Across the Sand 2016!
Today is Hands 2016 launch day, which means that we are actively soliciting sign ups for folks to facilitate Hands Across the Sand events in their community on May 21, when communities all over the world will stand hand-in-hand in solidarity and demand protection for our treasured places from risky offshore drilling.
May 21 will be the sixth annual Hands event, and we need to make it the biggest one yet. With the looming threat of Atlantic offshore drilling imminently upon us, we need to make our voices heard loud and clear, “NO offshore drilling, YES clean energy!”
Opposition to Atlantic offshore drilling has grown to a bi-partisan movement along the east coast and we need to continue to turn up the volume so that the politicians in Washington, D.C. can’t ignore us any longer.
Please sign up to host an event on May 21 and elevate your community’s voice to protect our treasured places. Hosting an event is simple and there are plenty of resources to help you make the most of your event. If you would like to host an event, but have questions about it before signing up, please contact me at chris[at] See you on the beach on May 21!