The risks from rising seas include salt water intrusion into our municipal drinking water wells, flood control challenges, inundation of roads, and damage to infrastructure and private property.
That’s why over 30 south Florida elected officials stood up in support of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first-ever carbon pollution reduction rule for existing power plants. The rule will allow the states flexibility in meeting the proposed standards on carbon pollution, including the more efficient use of electricity and the increased development of clean, renewable energy such as solar power.
While, South Florida municipalities can take action to shore up their communities against climate change impacts, such as sea level rise, the heart of the problem is increasing carbon pollution from fossil fuel emissions that continue to warm the planet. The officials called for a state clean power plan in Florida that helps empower our homes and businesses become more energy efficient, and invests in clean solar power to create more jobs for the state.
Challenges remain in Florida. The lack of leadership in Tallahassee on climate and clean energy, including a governor who isn’t sure if he believes in climate change, remain roadblocks to climate action and effective compliance with the EPA rule.
The signed letter from local officials in South Florida was released to the press on August 20th 2014 and delivered to the EPA and can be found here and below, by clicking on the image.