Protecting the Right to Vote is Essential to Combat the Climate Crisis
Equitable voting access for all Americans has a profound impact on the future of our country and our climate, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy stands firmly against any form of…
The Multiplier Effect: 100% Clean Electricity Standard + Electrification
A 100% CES + electrification could clean our air and water, protect public health, lower consumers' bills, bolster energy independence, and lift up the frontline communities most impacted by the climate crisis.
TVA mistruths highlight need for more oversight over unregulated monopoly power company
TVA CEO Jeff Lyash's mistruths stated recently on TV highlight the need for independent oversight of TVA so that customers are not harmed by the unregulated, federal monopoly treating fantasies as truth.
SACE and Allies Urge Congress to Pass Legislation Requiring 100% Clean Electricity in the United States by 2035
Fully decarbonizing the power sector, along with electrification, would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 70-80%, helping fulfill our commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement while simultaneously creating millions of jobs, cleaning…
Nothing to Lose, everything to gain: Memphians will only benefit from MLGW’s request for proposals
Update: At their April 6th meeting, the Memphis City Council voted to approve the issuance of a request for proposals (RFP) in order for MLGW to seek alternative power supply options for…
Biden is laying a solid foundation for action on climate, energy, and equity
Utilizing executive powers and simultaneously working to support and bolster existing market trends, the Biden administration seems to be pursuing a sea change in how we confront the climate crisis.
Reflections on a year like no other
This year we have suffered collectively and individually in unprecedented ways. In various ways, we have risen to hold one another up. Out of this grief and suffering, what can we cling…
The lights just flickered in Memphis. What happens next really matters.
Over the last two years, several expert studies have shown that Memphis could save hundreds of millions of dollars each year on its energy costs if the city were to switch to…
City Council and MLGW have a Triple Play Opportunity for Memphis
This op-ed, co-written by Memphis resident Pearl Eva Walker, who works on the Memphis Has the Power campaign, and SACE Executive Director Dr. Stephen A. Smith originally appeared in Commercial Appeal on September 25,…
The Knoxville Utility Board, Community Advocacy, and Good Trouble
In June, ‘ACT on KUB’ was launched by a grassroots coalition comprised of eight Knoxville-based nonprofits, multiple elected officials, and candidates for office in East Tennessee in support of a proposal to…