After investigating a range of factors in technology, policy, and capital, a new report on United States Clean Energy leadership evaluates and ranks each state for status and developments in clean technology of all kinds across the country.

From a breakout in the report’s summary of performance across the nation:
The South continues to lag behind the rest of the nation, with . . . no Deep South state placing better than Florida’s 29th [rank]. As home to seven of the 10 least efficient states in the U.S. (in terms of kWh consumed per capita), the opportunity to improve energy efficiency in Southern states may be the lowest hanging fruit in advancing America’s clean-energy economy.
“The state-level scene shows a diversity that crosses political boundaries and regions,” said Ron Pernick, Clean Edge managing director. “The next decade will determine which nations, states, and cities lead in clean tech.” –via Clean Technica
Selected 2012 State Index highlights:
- Six states got more than 10 percent of their in-state electricity generation from a combination of wind, solar, and geothermal sources during 2011.
- Renewable portfolio standards (RPS) are fostering replacement or growth of power generation with Renewable Energy resources in the states accounting for nearly two-thirds of current U.S. generating capacity (but none in the Deep South); RPS exist in 29 states and Washington, D.C.
With the advances and successes recognized in the leading states, the lagging states need to change their mix of policies to be more competitive in this arena—or be left as backwaters in the 21st century economy.
The 3rd annual State Clean Energy Index, created by Clean Edge to support regional comparative research, is built on aggregated industry data and careful analysis of the U.S. clean-energy market.
An executive summary of the index report is provided for download from the Clean Edge website (registration required). Details are available upon subscription.
Further Reading: For another cut at this issue about lagging states, focused on Energy Efficiency alone, check out a recent (5/16/12) report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Opportunity Knocks: Examining Low-Ranking States in Energy Efficiency.