Clean energy and energy independence are always on our minds, so it seems only fitting that this Thanksgiving we take a look at how far we’ve come in developing renewable energy in our nation. Here’s a great blog from our friends at Moms Clean Air Force. You can view the original post here.

The group says if we continue adding onshore wind capacity at the rate we did from 2007 to 2012, and take the first steps toward development of massive potential for offshore wind, by 2018 wind energy will be averting carbon dioxide equivalent to taking 32 million passenger vehicles off the road each year. We would also be saving enough water to supply the annual domestic water needs of 2.1 million people—roughly as many people as live in the city of Houston.
“Wind energy has given us a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving,” said Julian Boggs, global warming program director for Environment America. “Congress shouldn’t close the door on a cleaner America by letting critical incentives for wind energy expire.”
Thanks to its current and future benefits, wind power is a key component of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to reduce the carbon pollution fueling global warming 17 percent by 2020. The plan calls for an expansion of renewable energy, investment in energy efficiency, and the first-ever federal limits on carbon pollution from power plants.
The report, Wind Energy for a Cleaner America, also shows that by 2018, U.S. wind energy could also be avoiding 121,000 tons of smog-causing nitrogen oxides and 194,000 tons of sulfur dioxide, which cause acid rain and soot.
Electricity generated with wind power quadrupled in the last five years, from about 34,500 gigawatt hours (GWh) in 2007 to more than 140,000 GWh at the end of 2012—or as much electricity as is used each year in Georgia. Iowa, South Dakota and Kansas now have enough wind turbines to supply more than 20 percent of their annual electricity needs.
Our recent progress on wind energy is the direct result of federal incentives for wind power and state renewable energy policies. Despite the clear benefits of wind and widespread bipartisan support for federal policies to promote renewable energy, fossil fuel interests and their political allies have vigorously opposed these federal initiatives. The investment tax credit (ITC) and the production tax credit (PTC), are set to expire at the end of 2013.
“Wind energy is improving our quality of life in America,” said Boggs. “We cannot let polluters and their allies stand in the way of additional reductions in carbon, soot and smog pollution and water use. Congress needs to do whatever it takes to extend federal wind incentives as soon as possible.”
Wind Map
Wind Energy: Homegrown Power
Wind Energy For Clean Air And American Jobs