The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) wishes to add our condolences for the loss of Winter the Dolphin who died on November 11, 2021, at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in the Tampa Bay area at the age of 16. A film was made about the beloved Winter called Dolphin-Tale which inspired fans young and old. After her tail was amputated when it became entangled in a crab trap rope, cutting off circulation, Winter received a prosthetic tail. Her miraculous recovery offered hope to many with illnesses and disabilities.
We at SACE had the good fortune to work with Winter on the successful Yes on 9 campaign in 2018, which banned oil and gas drilling in Florida’s state waters. Winter was the star of her very own video asking Floridians to cast their vote to protect Florida’s coasts from dirty oil drilling and spills. We appreciated Winter’s activism then, and now we reflect on what she meant to so many.
There will be a Celebration of Life for Winter at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium on Saturday, November 20, giving the community the opportunity to celebrate Winter’s life and the impact she made on so many of us. As quoted in the Associated Press article ‘Dolphin Tale’ fans mourn death of film’s star, two producers from ‘Dolphin Tale’ said, “She may no longer be with us in body, but her indomitable spirit will continue on through the lives of all those that she touched.”
Winter gave hope to others all over the world because of the challenges that she overcame. Closer to home, she certainly inspired the SACE team to work hard to protect wildlife and our beaches by opposing oil drilling and transitioning to clean energy and the electrification of transportation.
Rest in Peace, Winter.