
Big Power Company Money Fuels State Campaigns in Florida

Money and its potential to corrupt is at the very center of complaints about today’s politics. Regardless of your political stripe, one thing most of us can agree upon is that money…


Sun Continues to Shine on Florida; Solar Lease Gets Green Light

Do you want to power your home with a rooftop solar system, but don’t want to spend the upfront cash for a system, or don’t want the responsibility of maintaining the system?…


The Heavy Hand of FPL Changes Law; Preempting Local Governments

Money in politics typically never leads to good outcomes for utility customers. Case in point: a bill recently signed into law by Governor Scott helps power companies - in particular FPL - build…


Last Chance to Protect Biscayne Bay, Region's Drinking Water from Turkey Point Pollution

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Is the Florida Public Service Commission reconsidering energy efficiency?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Tampa Electric lights the way to energy efficiency

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Q and A: Effects of the Operations at Turkey Point and What You Can Do

If you have been following this issue, you may know that there was a federal lawsuit filed in July 2016 against FPL for violating the Clean Water Act (CWA) at its Turkey…


Broad Coalition Helps Solar Win in Florida On 1

This is a guest blog originally published by FL SUN (Florida Solar United Neighborhoods) a cooperative effort spearheaded by League of Women Voters and supported by Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Massive Rate Increase Lands FPL On Naughty List

This blog was written by Alissa Schafer, former Solar Policy & Communications Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy with contributions from SACE's Florida Director Susan Glickman.


Learn About FPL’s Polluting Turkey Point Site – Already a Problem

News: Expert Report Provides Affordable, Practical Solution to FPL's Polluting Cooling Canal System at Turkey Point [Blog here] News: Citizen groups file federal Clean Water Act lawsuit against FPL for ongoing pollution…