"Solar in the Southeast" 2018 Annual Report (Part 1)
We are pleased to release of the second annual "Solar in the Southeast" report and hope that you will find the data and analysis both helpful and interesting. We updated last year's…
TVA: Take 2019 Draft Long-Range Plan Back to the Drawing Board
Yesterday, April 8, 2019, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) submitted highly critical comments to TVA proposing an overhaul and calling out lack of transparency and manipulation of data in the…
Last Minute "Transparency" - TVA releases key planning data days before comment deadline
Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, also contributed to this blog.
Thoughts on Florida Energy Choice Initiative
SACE is not in support of the Florida Energy Choice ballot amendment initiative. Two reasons for our stand: the likelihood that 6,000 MW of planned solar over the next 5 years could…
Putting a Face on Energy Burden: Nashvillians Deserve Answers for High Bills
This blog post was written by Jason Carney, former Clean Energy Program Manager with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. This posting, which is part of SACE's series 'Putting a Face on…
KUB: Time to put the PUBLIC back in public power
It's time to hold KUB accountable for serving us, the customers, with transparency, accountability, and affordability like the public power company it's supposed to be.
Here’s What Customers Say About Duke’s Fee Increase That Takes Away Customer Control
This is the third of a multi-part blog series highlighting comments from South Carolina Duke Energy customers about how Duke's proposed fee hike would impact them and why they are opposed. The comments…
Here’s What Customers Say About Duke’s Fee Increase & Corporate Accountability
This is the second of a multi-part blog series highlighting comments from South Carolina Duke Energy customers about how Duke's proposed fee hike would impact them and why they are opposed. The comments…
Here's What Customers Say About Duke's Unaffordable Fee Increase
This is the first of a multi-part blog series highlighting comments from South Carolina Duke Energy customers about how Duke's proposed fee hike would impact them and why they are opposed. The comments…
KUB Fixed Fee Increases - based on economics or just a feeling?
The Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) appears to have set electric rates on feelings rather than economics for years, keeping customers in the dark about how rates align with costs, and has no…