Securing the clean energy future we all deserve will take all of us working together. While being the Clean Energy Generation that tackles the climate crisis can be discouraging, our worry is there because we care. By turning our uncertainty into action, we can all be engines of change, working as individuals, families, and communities to harness the benefits of clean energy and build a brighter future for ourselves and our communities – and there’s a role for all of us in the movement.
Join the Movement
If you haven’t already, be sure to let us know you’re in by signing up for the Clean Energy Generation. You’ll receive a monthly newsletter of short updates and ways to stay involved, plus an occasional action email.
As more of us come together, our actions create more impact – from signing our names to a petition, to attending a rally, to sharing information with family and friends. Join us for our next monthly member call, every second Friday at 12 PM ET, to learn about opportunities for action, hear updates from SACE’s Clean Energy Generation team, and meet others from across the Southeast. All are welcome!
Share Your “Why”
Help us get to know you by sharing why the clean energy transition is important to you. Are you joining to protect a person or place important to you? Have you observed clean energy in your community, or even made strides in your own home? You can say as little or as much as you’d like – and we won’t share your story publicly unless you expressly allow it.

Find Resources
Change is already happening! The tools and technologies to produce clean energy are more affordable and accessible than ever, and a historic level of federal funding for clean energy is now available for individuals and communities throughout our region. Check out some of these great resources and learn how you can bring home the benefits of clean energy.
- Read: Clean Energy Generation Blogs and Q&As
- Watch: Clean Energy Generation Introductory Webinar recording
- Quiz: How energy efficient is your home?
- How to save money with federal funding
- Checklist: Home energy improvements (and when to make them)
- Checklist: How to electrify your home as a renter
- Explore: Interactive clean energy home
- When to buy an electric vehicle (EV)
- Explore: Clean energy success stories in your state
- Register to Vote
Spread the Word
Clean energy successes taste sweeter when they’re accomplished alongside our friends, families, and neighbors. You can help us invite more folks to join the Clean Energy Generation by sharing one of our ready-made social media posts – just click a button below to customize your post:
For more inspiration, connect with SACE on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and use the hashtag #CleanEnergyGeneration when you’re feeling inspired.
Not on social media? Send this sample email to invite friends and family – just copy and paste the text below:
Our ability to fight the climate crisis depends on how many of us show up. That’s why I’m going to do my part in the “Clean Energy Generation.” Will you join me?
The tools and technologies to produce clean energy already exist, so more of us need to demand a change in actions and policies that will improve our lives for our children and grandchildren now and in the future. The future we envision is within reach.
Click here to add your name with mine!
Already done? Contact us and we’ll be glad to explore other actions you can take as part of the Clean Energy Generation.