NC Electric Transportation Stakeholders Gathering

North Carolina Electric Transportation Stakeholders Gathering

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) will host a virtual gathering on June 4, from 1:30-3:30 PM ET. 

The gathering is designed to share and discuss emerging electric transportation policy priorities and build momentum towards effective policy alignment, advocacy and implementation.


Tentative Agenda

  • 1:30-1:40 — Stan Cross from SACE will welcome participants, provide contextual background and layout the webinar’s objectives
  • 1:40-2:00 — Anne Blair from SEEA will present emerging NC EV policy priorities and the process being used to establish them
  • 2:00-2:05 — Q&A
  • 2:05-2:45 — Participants will go into virtual breakout rooms to discuss and inform emerging policy priorities*
  • 2:45-2:50 — Moderator highlights from breakout sessions
  • 2:50-3:10 — Ivan Urlaub from NCSEA will discuss NC Stakeholder power mapping to begin identifying pathways to EV policy implementation success
  • 3:10-3:15 — Q&A
  • 3:15-3:25 — Dr. Shelley Francis from EV Hybrid Noire will introduce equity work underway in NC as part of a 2-year project
  • 3:25-3:30 — Webinar wrap-up and next steps

*Each breakout room will have a moderator who will facilitate the conversation and take notes. Notes will become part of the follow-up webinar report and will be disseminated to all participants.

For more information, contact: Stan Cross, [email protected]