Climate Scientists Hold Solutions Summit, Request Meeting with Governor Scott to Report on Solutions

Guest Blog | October 17, 2014 | Press Releases

Contact: Susan Glickman,, (727) 742-9003


Tallahassee, Fla. – Scientists, business leaders, local elected officials and the public are asking to meet in person with Florida Governor Rick Scott to review a comprehensive overview of climate change solutions.


This letter, signed by over 50 of the participants, is based on the suggestions of a diverse range of experts and citizens who attended last week’s “standing room only” Climate Science & Solutions Summit at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg – was delivered to the Governor yesterday.


The Summit was initiated by the scientists who met with Governor Scott in August. The Summit itself, and the resulting Solutions Agenda, is a response to Governor Scott’s repeated requests – both before and after the meeting – that he’s a “solutions guy” and wanted them to bring him solutions.


This is an opportunity for the Governor to meet and take a real interest in this comprehensive overview of climate solution options, provided by scientists, business leader, elected officials and the public.



Florida Governor Rick Scott has repeatedly said he is “is not a scientist” and is “not convinced” of the science of man-made climate change.

  • On July 15th, ten scientists sent a letter to Governor Scott requesting a meeting to talk about climate change.
  • On August 19th, five scientists met with the Governor.
    • The scientists offered to answer questions on climate science.
    • The Governor did not ask any science-related questions, but he did repeatedly say that he’s a “solutions guy” and wanted the scientists to bring him solutions.
  • On September 18th, over forty scientists sent a follow-up letter to the Governor, thanking him for the meeting, and agreeing with his call for solutions, suggesting that a Climate Science & Solutions Summit be held to allow scientists to provide input on a plan to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
  • On October 6th, Eckerd College hosted a Climate Science & Solutions Summit, which drew more than 250 attendees, including lawmakers, scientists, students, and citizens. The group offered a plethora of suggestions for climate change solutions; which are outlined in the letter delivered yesterday.


Founded in 1985, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is a nonprofit organization that promotes responsible energy choices that create global warming solutions and ensure clean, safe, and healthy communities throughout the Southeast. Learn more at