FERC Issues A Second Deficiency Letter In Response To SEEM

SACE encouraged that FERC is continuing to look critically at the SEEM proposal.

August 6, 2021
Contact: Amy Rawe, SACE, 865-235-1448, [email protected]

Knoxville, Tenn. – Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a second, more pared-down, deficiency letter in response to SEEM utilities’ response to FERC’s first and more substantial deficiency letter. The SEEM, or Southeast Energy Exchange Market, is a proposal by a group of Southeast utilities, including some of the largest utilities in the region – Southern Company, TVA, Duke Energy, and Dominion – seeking to alter the wholesale energy market.

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) and fellow public interest organizations have filed concerns with FERC over the potential for SEEM to allow utilities to abuse market power without noticeable improvements on customer bills or pollution.

Maggie Shober, Director of Utility Reform at SACE, said, “We are encouraged that FERC is continuing to look critically at the SEEM proposal. The best market reform for the Southeast would be those that improve competition and move the region toward a market regime that does not favor fossil generation. To work toward that kind of market reform in a transparent and constructive manner, FERC could hold a technical conference on Southeast market issues and potential reforms.”


About the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
Since 1985, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy has worked to promote responsible and equitable energy choices to ensure clean, safe, and healthy communities throughout the Southeast. Learn more at www.cleanenergy.org.