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SC Regulators Must Demand Qualified Review
SACE adds its voice to calls for the South Carolina Public Service Commission to disqualify Pegasus Global as their consultant for key regulatory proceedings.
Is There More Trouble Ahead for Plant Vogtle Expansion? Experts testify that serious challenges remain
Expert testimony at last week’s hearing on the combined 20th/21st semi-annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring (VCM) proceeding before the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) pointed to (yet again) more trouble facing Southern Company’s…
S. David Freeman - A Friend and A Visionary Force of Nature (1926 - 2020)
I know of no single human that can claim a greater impact in shaping progressive energy policy than my friend and mentor S. David Freeman.
TVA’s New Nuclear Program is a Warning Sign to Customers and Local Power Companies
TVA’s nuclear ambitions are risky for customers. Here's why the nation's largest public utility should instead focus on proven, affordable, clean energy right now.
Looking At The Brackets: New Nuclear Plants Are Odds-On Favorite To Lose In First Round
This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.