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111 Results for fukushima?printme=1

Remembering Fukushima One Year Later

The tragic natural disasters that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 -- a massive earthquake and horrifying tsunami -- forever changed the lives for tens of thousands of Japanese, killing more than…


What should TVA learn from Fukushima?

 This article, written by Don Safer, was originally published in the Tennessean. Don Safer is board chairman of the Tennessee Environmental Council. It has been two years since the natural and man-made…


What is happening with Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster?

Nearly two and a half years after the tsunami and earthquake that caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, the situation is far from stable. In late August, the emergency status was…


A tragic anniversary: Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster - 5 years later

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Fukushima Report Conclusion: Man made Disaster

Earlier this month, the Japanese Independent Investigation Commission released its report on the Fukushima nuclear disaster, concluding that collusion between regulators and the industry, including the utility TEPCO, was a primary factor…


Fukushima Nuclear Accident's 8th Anniversary: Book Review: An Alarming Inside View from the Top of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


April 28: Japan Nuclear Update

This blog was co-authored by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and Mandy Hancock, SACE's former High Risk Energy Organizer.


August 4: Japan Update-Coping

This blog was co-authored by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and Mandy Hancock, SACE's former High Risk Energy Organizer.


After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Solar Booms in the Land of the Rising Sun

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.