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465 Results for awea conference jersey

To Experience Art and Climate Change, Visit Hialeah!

This blog by Erin N. Marcus, M.D was originally published on Huffington Post on December 3 here. It is reprinted with permission from the author. Forget the Champs Elysees. If you really want…


Investors and Businesses Back A Strong Paris Climate Agreement

This guest post is by Christopher N. Fox at Ceres and was originally published here on Ceres' blog, Clean Trillion. The UN climate conference now underway in Paris represents a critical opportunity…


SACE Testimony shows why Clean Power Plan means jobs for Tennessee

Earlier today, I testified before the Tennessee Legislature's Government Operations Joint Committee on the importance of the Clean Power Plan and its significance for Tennessee. As you can see by the line up,…


TGIF! Paris Climate Agreement Officially International Law

Today, the historic Paris Agreement, our first global agreement to limit carbon emissions and keep the global average temperature increase below 20C, officially became international law. Happy Friday, Earth! 192 countries signed…


400+ SC Businesses Call on Gov. Haley to Stop Atlantic Offshore Drilling

More than 400 South Carolina businesses delivered a letter to Governor Nikki Haley on Wednesday, asking her to call for the removal of all waters off South Carolina's coast from consideration for…


2015 Registers As 2nd Hottest Year On Record in U.S.

2015 was the second hottest year on record in the United States, according to news released yesterday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The 2015 annual average U.S. temperature was…


You WON'T believe how dangerous wind turbines are...

This blog entry is one in a series from the Southern Wind Energy Association, attending and live blogging at the American Wind Energy Association’s 2016 WINDPOWER Conference and Expo in New Orleans.  ​…


Will NC Gov. McCrory's DEQ Heed Demands for Proper Coal Ash Cleanup?

If you're paying attention to North Carolina politics, you know Governor Pat McCrory's administration seems very out of step with North Carolinians statewide. As his ink dries on the controversial HB2 (which…


A Perfect Storm for Southern Wind Power Purchases?

This blog is part of the Southern Wind Energy Association’s Windy Wednesday series leading up to the wind energy industry’s largest annual event, WINDPOWER 2016, being hosted in New Orleans May 23-26. Registration and details…


Sparks Fly at FPL Rate Hike Public Hearings

You would think that $1.65 billion dollars would be enough profit for Florida Power and Light (FPL) – Florida’s biggest power company. Yet, it recently proposed a 24% rate hike on customers…