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562 Results for Asheville office

FL PSC Approves Nuclear Humpty Dumpty Settlement

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Congress unfairly picks winners (nuclear reactors) and losers (renewable energy)

When talking about energy policy in our nation’s Capitol, you can hardly visit a U.S. Senator or Representative’s office without hearing that they supposedly support an “all of the above” energy strategy.…


The EV Project expands to Atlanta

The EV Project, which we first blogged about a year ago, is successfully wrapping up in Tennessee. Its impact in bringing electric vehicles (EVs) to the market is significant and will continue for years…


A Rollicking EV Romp

If you follow this blog regularly, you know that my posts tend towards technical and, well, boring. You'll have to take that up with my editors. I assure you that my first…


Honoring the Founding Fathers with Energy Freedom

SACE Renewable Energy Manager, Charlie Coggeshall, and SACE Director of Research, John Wilson, contributed to this post. This week, we celebrate George Washington's birthday to honor the leadership of our first president…


Ash Time Goes By, Part 1

This guest post is written by Michael Patoka of the Center for Progressive Reform, and was originally entitled "Ash Time Goes By: Administration Continues Foot-Dragging on Coal Ash Rule as Toxic Landfills…


5 Things Obama Said About Climate Change Today That Could Impact the Southeast

This blog was co-authored by SACE Coastal Climate and Energy Coordinator, Chris Carnevale. "There’s no single step that can reverse the effects of climate change. But when it comes to the world…


So-called nuclear renaissance relapses, recovery seems unlikely

Despite much fanfare about the so-called nuclear "renaissance" over the past several years, not much has actually materialized. In fact, the last couple of weeks have proven particularly challenging to the renaissance…


How Clean is Your Air? The Answers Might Surprise You

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Latest Obama Cabinet Announcements Bring Mixed Reactions from Environmental Community

Like a gourmet chef stocking his pantry, President Obama is close to having a full second term Cabinet.  In his latest round of announcements, President Obama nominated a new Department of Interior…