Maggie Shober

Research Director

Maggie Shober works to speed the clean energy transformation in the Southeast through analysis and advocacy. She has expertise in renewable energy, energy efficiency, coal retirements, energy market modeling, and transmission. In October of 2019, Maggie transitioned into the Research Director position and leads SACE’s technical work.

Prior to SACE, Maggie advised energy companies and utilities as part of Navigant Consulting’s Energy Practice. She also has hands-on experience in both federal and state policy. She holds a Master’s of Energy and Environmental Policy from the University of Delaware, and a BS in physics and environmental studies from Allegheny College.

Maggie's Recent Posts


North Carolina Utilities Commission Adopts Duke's Fossil Plan as its Carbon Plan

Climate takes a backseat as the NCUC adopts Duke's preferred approach of meeting new load growth with a massive fossil gas buildout over decarbonization


TVA Draft IRP - Exceedingly Broad Planning is Meaningless

TVA's draft does not present a single strategy or plan for TVA to prioritize moving forward. Instead it presents 30 potential paths forward based on 6 scenarios and 5 strategies.

see all of Maggie's posts

News & Resources


SACE et al response to SEEM Utilities' response to FERC Deficiency Letter

Protest of Public Interest Organizations, filed at FERC on July 28, 2021


FERC Deficiency Letter on SEEM

FERC issued a deficiency letter on the Southeast Energy Exchange Market, or SEEM, on May 4, 2021.