Statement: Coal ash ponds threatening Chattahoochee River near Metro Atlanta
This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Positive Step Towards Energy Equity
This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Georgia faith leaders echo Pope Francis' call for climate action
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.
Corporate Social Responsibility with Renewable Power, is Coca-Cola Next?
Corporations around the country and globe are finding new ways to comply with their own, voluntary and self-imposed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals. CSR is frequently explained as the "triple-bottom-line" or "3P…
Packed House at EPA's Atlanta Hearing on Carbon Rules
Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency began two days of public hearings in Atlanta to gather public input on its proposed Clean Power Plan. Originally planned as a one-day hearing, EPA added an…
The Heat is On: SACE and other advocates to support carbon limits at EPA's hearings next week
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Breakfast of Efficiency Champions: A Panel Discussion on Energy Efficiency in the Southeast and the Impact of the Clean Power Plan
On a near-perfect day for a summertime conference in Atlanta, with cooler-than-usual temperatures and not a drop of rain, I had the pleasure of attending the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance's (SEEA's) recent…
SACE Meets with EPA on New Carbon Rule
A handful of advocates from the Southeast traveled to Atlanta on Thursday June 12th to meet with officials from the EPA’s Region 4 office. SACE was joined by other regional advocates Greenlaw, Southern…
Tour Du Soleil: Atlantans Bike for Solar Energy During City’s First Bicycle Festival
This post is by Alex Solomon, a new SACE member who met us on the ride. What better way to see clean energy in action than by bike? On June 9th, I…
More solar and what else? A breakdown of the approved Georgia Power IRP
SACE Renewable Energy Manager Charlie Coggeshall and Energy Efficiency Director Natalie Mims contributed to this post. You've probably heard the news by now: Georgia is going to get a whole lot more…