Primary Voting Begins Soon: Are You Ready to Support Clean Energy Champions?
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Florida Solar Month: When and where do I vote during August Primary election?
During the month of August, SACE will be blogging on #FloridaSolarMonth to promote solar in the Sunshine State. During August, Floridians will be considering pro-solar Amendment 4 on the August Primary ballot. This…
Florida Solar Month: Frequently Asked Questions about voting in Florida
During the month of August, SACE will sharing blogs that promote solar and voting resources in Florida, making this post the second in the #FloridaSolarMonth series. To follow along and read other…
Florida Solar Month: History of Solar Power in the Sunshine State
This is a guest post written by Jonathan Deesing, who is a home solar specialist with living in Salt Lake City, Utah. During the month of August, SACE will sharing blogs that promote solar…
Southeast Green Interview: Dr. Stephen A. Smith talks Solar Wars in Florida
This interview originally ran on Southeast Green's website and is accessible here. The Sun Shines in Florida, so Why so Little Solar? Southeast Green's Beth Bond recently talked with Southern energy expert…
Voting for solar in Florida has never been more important… or easier!
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.