Deepwater Horizon Anniversary Reminds Why Offshore Drilling Should Be Phased Out, Not Expanded
Today is the seventh anniversary of the tragic Deepwater Horizon blowout. On April 20, 2010, the drilling rig sparked a massive explosion, which killed 11 people and set into motion 87 horrific…
#TaxDay Blog: Our Tax Money Underwrites BP's Gulf Negligence
It's April 15--tax day (at least for most years). Some of us get returns, some of us get surprised with extra taxes that are due, but no matter if you owe the…
400+ SC Businesses Call on Gov. Haley to Stop Atlantic Offshore Drilling
More than 400 South Carolina businesses delivered a letter to Governor Nikki Haley on Wednesday, asking her to call for the removal of all waters off South Carolina's coast from consideration for…
Could States Benefit From Revenue Sharing in the Atlantic?
To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy and in the lead up to Hands Across the Sand on May 16, SACE is publishing a blog series highlighting some of…
Obama to Sell America's Offshore Areas to Queen of England
Today, President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 412015, the 'Establishment of the Crown Estate Outercontinental Shelf Area.' "Today is a new day for America," began President Obama at a telepress conference. "Monarchs…
Sign Up Today to Protect Our Coast from Offshore Drilling
Today, registration officially opens for the 6th annual Hands Across the Sand, taking place this year on Saturday, May 16. Hands Across the Sand is the annual grassroots day of action in…
Big News on BP
This is a guest post from our partners at Gulf Restoration Network originally published on Friday, September 5. The ongoing impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster go to show that offshore…
Why We Should Not Drill Offshore the South Atlantic
Today, April 20, marks the 3rd anniversary of the tragic Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil disaster. In spite of how apparent it seemed three years ago that offshore drilling is a bad idea…
This Isnt Settled Yet
This guest post, written by Dan Favre, Communications Director for Gulf Restoration Network, originally appeared on GRN's blog here. [Editorial note: Sadly, just hours after this landmark settlement, another Gulf oil platform…
BP Settlement Leaves More Questions Than Answers
This blog is a guest post by Aaron Viles, Gulf Restoration Network's Deputy Director, orignally posted on GRN's "Blogging for a Healthy Gulf". The big news is that BP and the plaintiffs…