August 5, 2014
All Aboard the Roller Coaster: Ala. Coal Week in Review
News about Alabama's coal – its alleged divine origins, televised misinformation from elected officials, pleas to the federal Environmental Protection Agency, closure and conversion of coal plants, and now, a lawsuit against…
January 13, 2014
UCS Report: Wind Cheaper than Keeping Alabama Coal Plants Alive
Newly updated research shows that Alabama is still high on the list of states with coal plants that may be more expensive to maintain than to replace with cleaner sources, as we…
March 7, 2013
Scathing report finds Alabama PSC failing to protect ratepayers
A new report from the Arise Citizens’ Policy Project released March 1, “Public Utility Regulation Without the Public: The Alabama Public Service Commission and Alabama Power” [PDF] details ways Alabama’s utility regulatory…