2015 Southeast Coal Roundup - Southern Company
As 2015 draws to a close, we wanted to update you on where our major Southeastern utilities are in terms of decreasing their reliance on dirty, coal-fired power. This blog series is…
Low Cost Path for Southern Company to Comply with EPA's Clean Power Plan
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
3 Ways to clean up the Asheville coal retirement
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy with contributions from former SACE staffers Toni Nelson and Amelia Shenstone.
2013: The Year in Review
Seasons greetings from all of us here at SACE! Before we take some time to enjoy the holiday season, we wanted to pause and celebrate our accomplishments over the last year. We…
Georgians await ruling on clean energy in Georgia Power long-range plan
Will Georgia get more solar? Will unnecessary dirty coal plants get shut down? Will Georgians get more help saving energy and lowering our bills? These questions and more are on the line…
What Obama Election Means for Coal, Climate Change, and American Energy Future
This blog, entitled "What Obama's Re-Election Means for Coal, Climate Change, and America's Energy Future" was written by Mary Anne Hitt, Director of the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign, and originally appeared in…
The War on Coal Decoded
After learning of the Stop the War on Coal Act, which shockingly passed the House of Representatives a few weeks ago, I began to wonder where all these people (also known as our elected Representatives)…
Georgia Public Service Commission Approves Coal Retirements
On Tuesday (March 20, 2012), the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) issued a decision approving Georgia Power Company’s request to retire two uneconomic coal units, Harllee Branch Units 1 and 2. We…
Old Coal on the Brink in Georgia
Georgia Power Company (GPC) operates a fleet of old coal plants. Their oldest coal units, Yates units 1 and 2, are 61 years old. Unlike wine, cheese or a savings account, coal…
Energy subsidies in a free market
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.