
Chattanoogans Ask TVA for Help With Energy Efficiency

This blog is the third in a series SACE is publishing on recent energy efficiency advocacy meetings between Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and community members across the Tennessee Valley. The first blog,…


Memphians Ask TVA for Energy Efficiency Solutions to Extreme Energy Burdens

This blog is the second in a series SACE is publishing on recent energy efficiency meetings between TVA and community members all across the Tennessee Valley. The first blog, focusing on TVA…


O’ TVA Where Art Thou? Rural Community Members Ask TVA for Energy Efficiency Programs

This is a joint blog between Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Appalachian Voices. It is also the first in a series SACE will publish on recent energy efficiency meetings between TVA…


Where Are They Now: Sam Gomberg

This blog was written by SACE’s Communications Intern, Kailie Melchior. It is the fourth post in a series that interviews former SACE employees or partners and highlights where they are now in…


Solar for Low-income Communities and More! EPA's Clean Energy Incentive Program

UPDATE: Soon after this blog was published, EPA announced it was extending the public comment period deadline from Aug. 29 to Nov. 1, 2016, to afford more time for tribal consultations. This…


How much solar and wind will Georgia utility regulators allow?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Where Are They Now: Meegan Kelly

This blog was written by SACE's Communications Intern, Kailie Melchior. It is the first post in a series that interviews former SACE employees or partners and highlights where they are now in…


Declare Energy Independence this July 4th!

This blog was compiled by Kailie Melchior, Communications Intern with SACE. Once again we are gearing up to celebrate the Fourth of July, which also means it’s time to declare your energy…


EPA Moves Forward As Harvard Recognizes Billions of "Hidden" Clean Power Plan Benefits

UPDATE: EPA published its draft Clean Energy Incentive Program rule language in the Federal Register on June 30, 2016 - officially beginning the public comment period. EPA will accept public comments on…


As Utilities Embrace Clean Energy, Southeast Needs Smart Policies to Promote Local Renewables Growth

This guest post was written by Luis Martinez, Senior Attorney in the Natural Resources Defense Council's Energy and Transportation Program. The original post appeared on NRDC's Expert blog and can be viewed…