December 14, 2017
Will Plant Vogtle Nuke Georgia Power Bills? Act Now!
SACE's Sara Barczak contributed content to this blog. This has been an intense week for the Plant Vogtle nuclear expansion project so here's a quick blog to get you updated. SACE has…
August 8, 2013
Southeast River Runs Part 8: Coal ash on the Savannah River
This is the eighth blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Tonya Bonitatibus, Savannah Riverkeeper,…
July 30, 2013
Southeast River Runs Part 7: Coal ash on the ACF River Basin
This is the seventh blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Dan Tonsmiere,…