
North Carolina Legislators Need to Keep Feeling the Heat to Support Solar Energy

As another long legislative session drags on in North Carolina, once again the state’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) – which requires the state's investor-owned utilities to meet up…


Our View: Coal Ash Cleanup Bill Far Short of Our Needs

This guest post originally appeared in the Fayetteville Observer's Opinion Editorials on July 5, 2014. You can access the original piece here. The North Carolina General Assembly is working quickly to pass…


Pressure Mounts for Duke Energy Coal Ash Cleanup

Since the Dan River coal ash disaster began, North Carolina seems to have become the epicenter in the fight to clean up coal ash dumpsites. All eyes are on Duke Energy and…


Georgia Consumer Choice Bill Would Boost Economic Opportunities

Georgia Power and Southern Company are up to their dirty tricks again, this time blocking the development of clean renewable energy and using their monopoly power to hold Georgia economic development back!…