
Georgia Public Service Commission Approves Coal Retirements

On Tuesday (March 20, 2012), the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) issued a decision approving Georgia Power Company’s request to retire two uneconomic coal units, Harllee Branch Units 1 and 2. We…


Georgia Consumer Choice Bill Would Boost Economic Opportunities

Georgia Power and Southern Company are up to their dirty tricks again, this time blocking the development of clean renewable energy and using their monopoly power to hold Georgia economic development back!…


Georgia Power Finishes 2011 with a Round of Applause

This blog was written by Natalie Mims and Jeannie McKinney. A little bit of congratulating is in order for one of the Southeast’s largest investor-owned electric utilities. As we’ve said time and…


Enough Lies and Misinformation

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson is set to finalize a crucial new clean air rule to limit mercury pollution. Meanwhile opponents of clean energy are tripping over themselves to have the…


Old Coal on the Brink in Georgia

Georgia Power Company (GPC) operates a fleet of old coal plants. Their oldest coal units, Yates units 1 and 2, are 61 years old. Unlike wine, cheese or a savings account, coal…


SACE in the News: Construction Underway at New Nuclear Plant in Georgia and Wind Power Gets Off the Ground in South Carolina

Safety questions post-Fukushima have created a significant amount of uncertainty regarding the future of nuclear power in the US, as other countries such as Germany move to ban nuclear power. Construction costs,…


Why the Southeast needs to catch up on energy efficiency

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Southern Co. says NO to new coal but Dean Alford plows ahead with bad business deal

Southern Company, the dinosaur of the utility world, has now declared new coal plants a dead end due to competitive prices of natural gas. The April 18, 2011 Energy & Coal Price Report reports…


Proposed New Vogtle Reactors Hit Roadblock

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Out With The Coal, In With The New

Recently in the Southeast we've had some exciting announcements about utility plans to begin retiring and repowering some of their oldest and dirtiest coal plants.  By our estimate, eleven retirements are in…