
In Case You Missed It, There’s a Clean Energy Jobs Boom in Tennessee

Clean energy means different things to different people. Some might picture suburban rooftops adorned in sparkly solar panels on a bright summer day. Others might envision an idyllic green-grass, blue-sky pasture framing…


"Traditional" vs "New": Olympics and Utilities

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Will Rural America Continue REAPing Renewable Energy Rewards?

As America awaits the House and Senate conference committee agreement on a Farm Bill, now is a good time to check on the progress of one exceptionally good clean energy incentive under consideration. …


Florida Stimulus Success The Untold Story of Energy Savings and Economic Development

In July of 2012, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS), led by Commissioner Adam Putnam, issued an audit of energy initiatives including those funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment…


Solar and Wind Energy Subsidies Should Continue Forever

This blog, written by Zachary Shahan, was originally posted on Cleantechnica and can be found here. It seems that every day I’m reading (or even writing) about solar and wind energy’s prices…


Drill Baby Drill the Right Way

Would you believe that an environmental advocate hired a drill rig to help reduce global warming pollution? No, I wasn't drilling for oil or gas, or burying my carbon dioxide (hmmm). I…