
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Southern Company Funds Climate Denial Machine

A story broke in the New York Times last week that reveals that Atlanta-based utility giant Southern Company has paid a significant sum of money supporting one of the most prominent climate denying scientists.…


Gulf Power = Green Power? Utility leaps forward

Updated at 4:40pm ET, on February 16 to reflect correct solar capacity planned for military bases in Georgia Power's service territory. Gulf Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company and one of the smallest…


Sun Rising in Florida? Utility-Scale Solar Projects in Context

SACE Staffers Charlie Coggeshall and George Cavros contributed to this blogpost. It’s been a good run for solar power in Florida in the past few weeks. First, Gulf Power Company announced plans…


The Silver Lining to Florida's Disappointing Energy Efficiency Efforts

I have been putting off writing this blog because I have not found a positive angle to the story of Florida's energy efficiency goals, and I was still hoping that there might…


A Poem for the Florida Commission: Deny the Utilities' Meager Goals

In Florida, land of the sun The utilities pulled a fast one. No efficiency tools Without swimming pools Low Income? You’ll end up with none.   With the RIM test used as…


Lynn Ringenberg, M.D.: Coal Ash Pollution Needs Tighter Regulation

This post, written by Lynn Ringenberg, originally appeared in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on August 5, 2014. You can access the original article here.  A national epidemic has come to Florida. It is a…


Florida Utilities' Energy Efficiency Goals are Weak

Update: Click here to listen to an in-depth interview with SACE's Florida Director, Susan Glickman, about how Florida's giant private utility companies are pushing to cut back on their energy conservation programs this…


Coal Ash Legal Fight Moves to Florida

With all the news following the Dan River coal ash disaster this February, it may seem that North Carolina is the only Southeastern state with coal ash woes. Unfortunately, there are plenty…


Burning Coal, Burning Cash in the Southeast

The cost of importing coal is a drain on the economies of Southeastern states, particularly in those states that rely heavily on coal-fired power.  In an updated report, "Burning Coal, Burning Cash"…


Broward County Calls on Florida PSC to Set Meaningful Efficiency Goals

We’ve always known that energy efficiency is the cheapest, quickest, and cleanest way to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. Now, one of Florida’s largest counties is asking the state’s Public Service Commission…