Ocean Power Making Waves
The Department of Energy recently announced $10.5 million in funding support for new marine hydrokinetic resources. Marine hydrokinetic (MHK) resources are ocean-based renewable energy resources that include waves, currents, tides and even ocean…
Florida Making Waves with New Ocean Tech
Although marine hydrokinetic technology (or MKH) suffers from a long wonky name, but holds a lot of promise for delivering consistent renewable energy. Florida Atlantic University recently received a “finding of no…
New Tax Credit for CHP in North Carolina
This post was authored by former SACE staffer, Glenn Mauney. On August 2nd, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue signed into law HB 1829, an expanded Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and renewable…
Yes, there is renewable energy in the southeast
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.