My Statement to the TVA Board on Major Rate Change Approved May 10, 2018
On May 10, 2018, one week before the Tennessee Valley Authority's 85th anniversary, I made the trip to historic Muscle Shoals, Alabama in order to publicly deliver my comments to the TVA…
Join #MayDayTVA Thunderclap and Help Sound Alarm on Rate Scheme
This blog was written by Sarah Gilliam, former Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Is TVA ignoring how a proposed new fee could put vulnerable customers at risk?
SACE has already revealed how TVA’s existing mandatory fees favor industrial customers at the expense of residents. Now, a new policy change could make this problem even worse. TVA is proposing a grid access…
Poll: Majority of Tennessee Voters Support Solar and Oppose Fixed Charges On Bill or Restrictions to Customer Choice
This blog was written by Alissa Schafer, former Solar Policy & Communications Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.