Efforts to Regulate Interstate Air Pollution Move Slowly Forward
Recently we've seen several developments in the never ending fight for cleaner air. Along with newly proposed regulations limiting carbon emissions from new coal-fired power plants, and pending carbon emission limits for…
Extreme Energy, Extreme Weather
The following is an editorial authored by Mike Tidwell, founder and director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. The editorial was initially published in the Baltimore Sun on Thursday, July 5, 2012. …
Southern Jobs for Offshore Wind Energy
This week, Simon Mahan is attending the American Wind Energy Association/Offshore Wind Development Coalition's conference on offshore wind energy in Baltimore, Md. This is the first of a series of three blogs…
Public must come first at Florida PSC
E. L. Jacobs, Jr. As a former chair of the Florida Public Service Commission, I am concerned that recent actions in Tallahassee to dismantle the PSC send the message that the views…