
Last Chance to Protect Biscayne Bay, Region's Drinking Water from Turkey Point Pollution

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Positive Steps Forward: Resolution Passes to Address FPL’s Turkey Point Pollution; More Needs to be Done

It is clear that policy makers and elected leaders are starting to pay closer attention to some of the energy-water issues impacting Florida. Finally, there are some efforts underway on several fronts…


FPL's Flawed Remediation Plan Won't Solve Turkey Point's Pollution Problems

Update: Since Laura's blog post below, the Palm Beach Post's Susan Salisbury reported on the concerns with FPL's flawed clean-up plan in her "Protecting Your Pocketbook" blog/column. Find it here. Last week…


Environmental Leadership? New Study Provides Facts and Solutions for FPL’s Turkey Point Open Industrial Sewer

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Sparks Fly at FPL Rate Hike Public Hearings

You would think that $1.65 billion dollars would be enough profit for Florida Power and Light (FPL) – Florida’s biggest power company. Yet, it recently proposed a 24% rate hike on customers…


FPL’s nuclear-power plan regressive, harmful

This opinion-editorial was written by TOMÁS REGALADO (Mayor of Miami); CINDY LERNER (Mayor of Pinecrest); PHILIP STODDARD (Mayor of South Miami); and JOSÉ JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ (the State Representative of District 112) and…


FPL vs. the Everglades: A costly battle

This blog was written by Samantha Knapp with the National Parks Conservation Association. This summer, an Administrative Law Judge will decide whether to let Florida Power & Light (FPL) run power lines…


Southeast Florida Prepares for a Warming World

Another year is almost over and the southeast region of Florida seems to be another year wiser when it comes to planning for climate change.  The 4th annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate…


Sea Level Rise in Florida Is No Laughing Matter

This is a guest post from Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel, climate scientist at Union of Concerned Scientists.  This post was originally published on the UCS blog, The Equation, on August 31, 2012. Local…


Climate lessons from South Florida in 2011

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to attend the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit, hosted by Monroe County—the county of the Florida Keys.  The highlight of the event was the…