Big Power Company Money Fuels State Campaigns in Florida
Money and its potential to corrupt is at the very center of complaints about today’s politics. Regardless of your political stripe, one thing most of us can agree upon is that money…
FPL wins, Floridians lose and why is FPL still pursuing new nuclear reactors at Turkey Point?
This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
So-called nuclear renaissance relapses, recovery seems unlikely
Despite much fanfare about the so-called nuclear "renaissance" over the past several years, not much has actually materialized. In fact, the last couple of weeks have proven particularly challenging to the renaissance…
Nuclear renaissance in Florida crumbles, meets economic reality
This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and George Cavros, SACE's Energy Policy Attorney.
Pull plug on Florida nuclear tax
This guest post, originally published here by the Tampa Bay Times, was written by Mark Cooper, an economic analyst with the Vermont Law School's Institute for Energy and the Environment. He is…
State Legislature paying attention to Florida nuclear tax
On March 18th, I attended the Florida State Senate's workshop on nuclear cost recovery, also known as Florida's "nuclear tax," where industry advocates and the big power companies extolled the many virtues of…
Floridians Take Action Opposing Nuclear Tax
From the Florida Supreme Court to Bonnie Raitt concerts, Florida's controversial "nuclear tax" is getting a lot of attention. On October 4th I, along with my SACE colleagues and attorneys, attended the…