Solar For All Report Offers Solutions to Help Disadvantaged Southeastern Communities Harness the Sun
The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) recently released a report entitled Solar For All: What Utilities Can Do Right Now to Bring Solar Within Reach for Everyday Folks. SACE supports the report,…
Guest Post: Rural Electric Cooperatives Improve Energy Efficiency with On-Bill Financing
This post was written by Marilynn Marsh-Robinson, Partnership and Alliances Manager at the Environmental Defense Fund, and originally appeared on EDF's Energy Exchange blog on March 9, 2016. You can view the…
Koch Empire Attacks Energy Efficiency
Right-wing organizations, many of which are connected to Charles and David Koch, have now turned to attacking the cheapest, most modular, reliable, and zero-carbon resource - energy efficiency. One would think that…
Energy Efficiency At The Forefront of Cooperative Principles In Tennessee
The following post was written by Appalachian Voices Energy Policy Director Rory McIlmoil, and was originally published on the App Voices Front Porch Blog. Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is partnered with App…
Two is Better Than One: SC Public Service Commissioners Support Efficiency for the Holidays
The South Carolina Public Service Commission affirmed its support for energy efficiency twice during the holiday season! First by approving South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G)'s financial incentive and energy efficiency programs,…
USDA announces energy efficiency loan funding for cooperatives
SACE is excited to announce that yesterday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued its final rule on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program. The USDA anticipates that, under the Rural…
South Carolina On-Bill Financing Gives Homeowners More Freedom!
As we celebrate our nation's Independence Day, we would like to take the opportunity to highlight another successful independence tale: The story of South Carolinians regaining control of their energy spending! In…