
Obama threatens to veto bill that would undermine EPA coal ash rule

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on H.R. 1734, a dangerous bill that threatens the health and safety of communities here in the Southeast and across the country. Rep.…


Ash Time Goes By, Part 3

This guest post is written by Michael Patoka of the Center for Progressive Reform, and was originally entitled "Ash Time Goes By: Administration Continues Foot-Dragging on Coal Ash Rule as Toxic Landfills and…


Tr-Ash Talk: State of Failure

The following is a re-post of a piece originally published here and written by Raviya Ismail of Earthjustice. This post reports on the failure of states to properly regulate coal ash and…


New Coal Ash Bill Undermines Health, Environment and Public Process

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is still working to develop a program for safely handling coal ash, the industrial waste that is left behind after coal is burned for energy production. Coal…


Guest Post: EPA puts off long promised coal ash protections

This guest post was originally written by Sue Sturgis and published on Facing South, the online magazine for the Institute of Southern Studies. Communities imperiled by poorly managed coal ash won't be…