Rural Clean Energy Awards and Grants Announced
The USDA recently announced major new investments in clean, rural renewable energy and energy efficiency that will deliver significant benefits to our region and throughout the country. Here we will share those…
Rural Clean Energy Receives Boost from 2014 Farm Bill
After a two year delay and a marathon slog, the US House and Senate finally agreed and passed a Farm Bill in January. It was met with bouquets and boos from various…
Will Rural America Continue REAPing Renewable Energy Rewards?
As America awaits the House and Senate conference committee agreement on a Farm Bill, now is a good time to check on the progress of one exceptionally good clean energy incentive under consideration. …
The Evidence is In and REAP is a keeper!
With gas prices high and rising tensions in the Middle East, some are expecting an average of $5 per gallon (or even higher), nationwide this summer. These high energy costs and volatility…
Looking beyond Solyndra to REAP big rewards
All the hype over the Solyndra collapse has got me thinking. Most of the criticisms of the Solyndra collapse have focused on the quantity of money, but by now it’s clear that…