Ash Time Goes By, Part 3
This guest post is written by Michael Patoka of the Center for Progressive Reform, and was originally entitled "Ash Time Goes By: Administration Continues Foot-Dragging on Coal Ash Rule as Toxic Landfills and…
Ash Time Goes By, Part 2
This guest post is written by Michael Patoka of the Center for Progressive Reform, and was originally entitled "Ash Time Goes By: Administration Continues Foot-Dragging on Coal Ash Rule as Toxic Landfills…
Ash Time Goes By, Part 1
This guest post is written by Michael Patoka of the Center for Progressive Reform, and was originally entitled "Ash Time Goes By: Administration Continues Foot-Dragging on Coal Ash Rule as Toxic Landfills…
A Threat or A Promise? Southern Co. May Announce Coal Retirements
Coal utilities like American Electric Power (AEP) and Southern Company are making big threats. They threaten to protect our air, our water and our health. They threaten to provide us with a…