
Electric Vehicles: Driving Reduced Demand for Offshore Oil, Part 1 of 3 - "The Risks of Offshore Drilling Outweigh Potential Benefits"

This is Part 1 of our blog series, "Electric Vehicles: Driving Reduced Demand for Offshore Oil," which shows that given the advancements in vehicle electrification, expanding offshore drilling for oil and natural…


Last Chance! Trump Offshore Drilling Comment Period Ends Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Friday, March 9, marks the end of the comment period on President Trump's new "drill-everywhere" offshore drilling plan. If you haven't submitted your comments yet, visit the online comment portal here…


4 Ways You Can Help Defeat Trump's Disastrous New Drilling Plan

You may have heard the news that last week President Trump unveiled an utterly insane national plan for offshore drilling that seeks to auction off 90% of our country's offshore waters to…


Trump Administration pushes offshore drilling EVERYWHERE

Today, the Trump Administration took a huge step toward disaster with the announcement of their draft proposed five year program for offshore drilling. The proposed plan will foist oil and gas drilling…


President Trump Threatens America's Shores

Last week, the Trump Administration pushed its careless agenda to threaten America's shores with risky offshore drilling despite overwhelming opposition from coastal Republicans and Democrats alike. The announcement came in the form…


100+ Members of Congress Sign Letter: "No Drilling off Our Coast"

Earlier this week, South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford co-led a bipartisan sign on letter of his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives, asking Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to uphold recently-made guidelines…