
Gift Giving With an Energy Mindset

Happy Holidays from SACE! In an effort to remain timely and keep our readers in the seasonal spirit, last week I showed you 6 of our favorite ideas to help you conserve…


6 Ways To Save This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again: the time when temperatures go down, lights come on earlier and energy bills go way up. In addition to encouraging you to winterize your house for…


Georgia Power Finishes 2011 with a Round of Applause

This blog was written by Natalie Mims and Jeannie McKinney. A little bit of congratulating is in order for one of the Southeast’s largest investor-owned electric utilities. As we’ve said time and…


An Efficient Holiday Season: Eco Entertaining

I wanted to wrap up our holiday series by addressing a final, major seasonal activity that is generally high in energy consumption: holiday entertaining. I know that party planning can be a…


An Efficient Holiday Season: Decorating Edition

Over the last couple weeks, I’ve shared with you some tips and tricks for minimizing the energy impact of your holiday cooking exploits and your shopping and gift giving activities. However, I’ve…


An Efficient Holiday Season: Cooking Edition

This blog was written by SACE intern Jeannie McKinney. Well readers, it's that time of year again: the time when temperatures go way down, lights come on earlier, and energy bills go…