100+ Members of Congress Sign Letter: "No Drilling off Our Coast"
Earlier this week, South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford co-led a bipartisan sign on letter of his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives, asking Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to uphold recently-made guidelines…
Obama Serves Coastal Residents By Denying Seismic Permits
With just two weeks left in office, President Obama added a major piece to his environmental legacy by denying pending permits for seismic exploration for offshore oil and gas in the Atlantic.…
Standing up for Coastal Environment & Culture
Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation, is a champion of the environment, standing up to protect the natural resources that have sustained Gullah/Geechee people for generations. Recently, one of Queen Quet’s…
Wave of South Carolina Communities Opposes Offshore Drilling
Last night, two more South Carolina bodies of government--the City of Columbia and Charleston County--went on the record against offshore drilling and seismic testing by passing resolutions of opposition. Both Councils passed…