
Se incrementa la Oposición a los Reactores Nucleares de FLP en Turkey Point

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Global Warming Fact Sheets NOW in Spanish

VEA NUESTROS BLOG EN ESPANOL Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is now releasing Spanish versions of our newly created, state specific, global warming fact sheets.  Through these translated materials, SACE is continuing…


Hojas Informativas Sobre Calentamiento Global, AHORA en Espanol

Read this blog in ENGLISH. La Alianza Sureña Para Energía Limpia (Southern Alliance for Clean Energy – SACE) está publicando en español sus nuevas hojas informativas sobre el calentamiento global, especificas a…


New Climate Videos for Latino Communities in Florida

VEA NUESTROS BLOG EN ESPANOL With last month's climate talks in Copenhagen and a reinvigorated international interest in global warming issues, the time is right to expand southeastern engagement and education about…