Fate of Nearly 100 Million Tons of Coal Ash Could Hinge on NCDEQ Hearings
North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) may allow Duke Energy and its North Carolina subsidiaries to leave an estimated 97,350,920 tons of coal ash in unlined pits (called "impoundments" or "ponds"),…
NC Lawmakers Come Up Short on Coal Ash
In the days and weeks after the Dan River disaster, North Carolina legislators made bold promises to protect the public from dangerous and polluting coal ash sites. Since May there's been several…
Sutton Case Study: Coal Ash Harms and Kills Fish
A new study released on December 3, 2013, shows that toxic coal ash from Duke Energy's L.V. Sutton Power Station is seriously harming fish and wildlife in Lake Sutton, a popular fishing…
Southeast Coal Roundup - Duke and Other Southeast Utilities
Across our region, utilities are announcing idling or retirement of their older, uncontrolled coal units and embracing futures with less coal and more renewables in their long term generation planning. First we…