TVA Puts Solar In its Place - Just Outside Memphis!
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Big Errors in Measuring Carbon Emissions from Power Plants
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
TVA Announces Solar Projects for Four Lucky Local Power Companies
Despite the fact that the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) actually reduced its incentives for its 2016 distributed solar program, TVA has awarded 16.7 megawatts (MWs) of distributed solar capacity to four lucky…
Megawatt Madness: Top picks for wind energy for the Southeast
This blog is part of the Southern Wind Energy Association’s Windy Wednesday series leading up to the wind energy industry’s largest annual event, WINDPOWER 2016, being hosted in New Orleans May 23-26. Registration and details…
Southeast Energy Savings Pacesetter: Entergy Arkansas Breaks the 1% Barrier
This is the first entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities' energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region can…
3 Reasons Why 2015 Was the Biggest Year Ever for Coal Ash
2015 was a watershed year for our work on coal ash. It's been over seven years since the catastrophic coal ash spill in Kingston, TN and nearly two years since the spill along…
TVA's Coal Ash Disaster at Kingston: 7 Years Later
An Unprecedented Disaster Seven years ago today, an old earthen dam holding back coal ash waste at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Kingston Fossil plant erupted, pouring over one billion gallons of…
SACE Testimony shows why Clean Power Plan means jobs for Tennessee
Earlier today, I testified before the Tennessee Legislature's Government Operations Joint Committee on the importance of the Clean Power Plan and its significance for Tennessee. As you can see by the line up,…
2015 Southeast Coal Roundup - Tennessee Valley Authority
As 2015 draws to a close, we wanted to update you on where our major Southeastern utilities are in terms of decreasing their reliance on dirty, coal-fired power. This blog series is…
TVA Undermines Distributed Solar and Disregards Its Own Stakeholder Process
Over the past year and a half, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) worked with stakeholders to study the value of rooftop solar systems. On October 20, TVA published the result, "Distributed Generation…